A currency

where coins are mined by planting trees

Buy Forestcoin

Bitcoin is great, but it uses more power than Argentina!

Bitcoin and other currencies depend on computer power to solve complex mathematical equations to mine coins. This takes enormous amounts of energy, which creates pollution.

Bitcoin consumes enourmous amounts of energy

Computers grind away solving puzzles to mine bitcoin

This creates pollution and carbon emissions

How does Forestcoin resolve this problem?

Plant a Tree

Forestcoin is created by a person planting a tree

Take Photos

Anyone around the world can plant a tree and take before and after photos with the Forestcoin app

Receive Forestcoins

Other Forestcoin users verify the planting (via photos & other data in their app) and the Forestcoin is minted

Sell or Spend

Forestcoin can then be spent at participating merchants or sold at exchangeforest.com

For Planters

For tree planters

Anyone can earn Forestcoin by planting a tree

For Consumers

For consumers

Concerned about climate change? Buy some Forestcoin to use for everyday purchases at businesses everywhere

For Business

For businesses

Accept Forestcoin as payment in store or online and get instant exchange at point of sale to BTC or USDT. Open your business up to an additional sales channel via the loyal Forestcoin user base and align your brand with the currency that fights climate change.


Forestcoin has all of the attributes of major successful currencies

  • Limited supply
  • Coin reward is lowered as more trees are planted
  • Decentralised blockchain ledger
  • Nodes using the low energy PoET consensus algorithm
  • Run Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) smart contracts on Forestcoin
  • FIVE second block time and ONE block confirmation finality plus no transaction fees make Forestcoin an ideal transaction coin.

Our goal is to plant one tree for every person on the planet.

With this goal in mind, forestcoin has a limit of one forestcoin for every person on the planet. Forestcoins are being released in 25 stages. Currently forestcoin is in stage 1 and tree planters receive 10 coins per tree planted.

How it works

Recently planted trees



Current Forestcoin price

*source - exchangeforest.com
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Forestcoins created for every tree planted

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Trees planted


Forestcoins in circulation

One Coin Per Person
Population - 7.7 billion
Max coins - 7.7 billion

Maximum number of Forestcoins possible

Numbers from UN DESA report, "World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision"

Number of nodes


Number of users


Number of businesses that accept Forestcoin


Number of countries with trees planted


Value of FC accepted as payment by businesses

*source - exchangeforest.com

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